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Wasp Blitz Weekend 2022 Funding Success

Off the back of increasing complaints about the wasps in summer, the Waiatarua R&R are very happy to announce the local board have given us funding for a joint project with Oratia R&R to decrease the wasp population out here.

The funding allows us to train up to 10 volunteers who will work together to place bait stations on up to 80 properties. The bait (Vespex, a low-toxicity insecticide, which targets the yellow jacket Vespula vulgaris species) is taken back to, and kills the queen, which collapses the colony. This blitz will be carried out over one weekend as it needs to be done all at once, so colonies don’t simply “find another queen”. In addition we are aiming for late summer as this is the best feeding time and means wasps won’t have time to build up another colony before the cold weather sets in. Fingers crossed the blitz should allow more of us to head outdoors into our backyards and wander through the bush without coming under attack from yellow jackets.

If you’d like to volunteer for the training, see the details below. If you would like your property to be considered, keep an eye on the newsletter, website ( and the WRRA, Waiatarua and Oratia Facebook pages. We will start calling for those in October.


Do you want to help our local flora and fauna?

Are you physically capable?

Do you have a car/vehicle and license?

The Waiatarua (and Oratia) R&R are looking for 10 volunteers who can be trained up to carry out a weekend blitz of wasps in our community.

The project will require:
– some online training and a test to be done at your leisure but before 1st Dec 2021 (this is paid for)

– one weekend day of around 6 hours, either a Sat/Sun in late summer where you will be allocated up to 10 houses at which to place the bait station and bait.

– One day at your leisure, 2 weeks later, where you return to collect unused bait (this should only take 2 hours)
You will be provided lunch and a small stipend for petrol — plus the joy of knowing you’re doing some great things for our community!


If you have some library traps and are not using them, please contact me to arrange return. If you would like to borrow rat, mustelid or possum traps please contact me or

– Rita Steel


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