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Updates from Auckland Transport

The Elevation Site

The following information was received from Councillors Ken Turner and Shane Henderson on 19th February 2024:

As at 19 February, the contractors have submitted the latest geotechnical report, which summarises the current site conditions and assesses the potential for opening the road to two lanes. The report is currently under review by AT (Auckland Transport). However, the timeline for confirmation has not been finalised yet.

Here are some key points that are being considered from the report:

Stabilisation with Soil Nails: To ensure the stability of the road, soil nails will be used. These will help stabilise the area, allowing restoration of the road to its full width.

Fan Drains Installation: Additionally, installing fan drains to effectively drain the entire area. This measure aims to reduce further slumping and ensure the long-term integrity of the road.

Negotiations with AC and residents: We are actively negotiating with Auckland Council (AC) and the residents regarding servitudes over private property. These discussions are crucial for the successful completion of the repair work.

Completion Timeline: Our goal is to fully repair the slip by the end of May. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.

We will keep you informed of any further developments.

Slip at 412 Scenic Drive

Works have started on the repair at this site.  It is anticipated the works will take up to 4 months to complete, the plan is to complete this site by the end of April 2024.  The road will remain closed whilst works are completed.

Slips on Scenic Drive between Woodlands Park Road and Titirangi

There are two large slips on this section of Scenic Drive where the footpath and edge of the road has slipped away.  Part of the road is currently coned off and traffic has been restricted to one lane by temporary traffic lights.

Work is scheduled to commence on 27th February and will take 3-4 months to complete (weather dependent).  During the works this section of the road will be closed 24/7.  The detour route will be along Woodlands Park Road and Huia Roads. This will cause inconvenience and drivers are asked to plan in advance to allow extra time for their travels. Pedestrian and cycle access will be made available beside the work site during the construction.

Once all of the work on Scenic Drive is complete Waiatarua residents and others will again have access directly into Titirangi and beyond.

Lyn Chappell

WRRA Secretary


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