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Hi All

I’m not sure about the rest of you but this has seemed like a long five weeks. Living on Brabant Road, my daily routine includes walking my two labradors either up towards Mountain Road and back or down to Elevation and back.

Some observations I have made and thoughts I have had during these walks are:
Lots of cars, lots of bicycles and more motorbikes than ever before. As most of you know, this is a small stretch of road so I’m not convinced that all the traffic comes from locals. Vehicles parked up at the lookouts and more than usual reports of thefts and cars being broken into; The recent major storm and subsequent rainfall has impacted greatly on our roads and particularly the roadsides; As I walk down to Elevation on what was once a footpath I see that the mudslides are coming ever closer to the road with the verge side disappearing. Only a matter of time I think; In some areas like the corner opposite the Waitakere Resort and Spa entrance, vegetation, including some sizeable trees, hang over the road ready to fall at any time; I also think of the many residents that have had their properties damaged by the storm and how that has added to what is already is difficult situation during a level 4 lockdown.

(Neighbour, Ross Sudds from Proline Plumbing, has had some thoughts that may help those of you with damage – Here is the link)

I guess the point of the rambling above is to highlight, from my perspective, what is happening locally. Most obviously for us, I suggest, is the importance of the local community keeping watch, keeping in touch and watching out for our surrounding neighbours. Being there to support those who need assistance and advice or simply offering a friendly ear, is important.

At our latest Ratepayers Committee meeting it was suggested that once we get out of lockdown we arrange a community event at the Hall. Residents can share their experiences during lockdown and from the storm. We can have our local contractors along as well to perhaps offer some advice and also arrange to have a couple of speakers. We would value input from those affected as to the most important advice they might need. Peter Casey has agreed to organise this event so please send any ideas or comments to
We would like to welcome Catherine Wells to the Ratepayers Committee. Cathie lives in Brabant Road and has been involved with the Association and the community for many years she is currently revamping our website so please have a look, it is looking really good. Cathie would also welcome stories and photos as would Erin, our Newsletter Editor. We also welcome Lyn Chappell on to the Executive in the role of Secretary. This is excellent news for me as I can now pass on that task and concentrate on being President.

Thank you to everyone who offered their time to support the Wasp Weekend initiative. It is amazing for us to have too many volunteers. For those who missed out, do not despair — Rita has lots of ideas and I am sure she will find you a job if you remain in contact.
Over the past few months we have had two very positive meetings of the Joint Residents and Ratepayers Associations. For those who might not be aware the Joint RRAs is made of Waiatarua, Titirangi, Langholm, Preserve The Swanson Foothills, Parau, Glen Eden, Henderson Valley, Piha, Oratia, Woodlands Park, South Titirangi and Karekare. We have a unique situation here and an opportunity, as a collective, to make a difference, agreeing to some overarching priority issues that might affect us as a Collective. These priority issues have been grouped at present into five headings delegated as sub-committees. They are Environment, Transport, Land and Parks, The Heritage Trust Act and Emergency Management. Next steps will be to appoint Chairs and members to each sub group, and rank the documented priorities under each group. We are to meet again in early October to finalise this initiative and agree some protocols around meetings and interaction with the Local Board and Local Council. Needless to say we will keep you informed of progress and my hope will be to share the priorities in more detail once finalised.

Once again I remind you that we are elected to your Executive to try and make this beautiful Heritage Area that we have chosen to live in a better place, not for just us, but the future generations who may choose to live in beautiful, peaceful and tranquil bushlands just 26 kilometres from New Zealand’s biggest city. To do this we require your input and support. You do not need to commit to the Executive committee to help. You can simply contact one of the Committee or email your suggestions and ideas to the secretary or to me at

Stay safe and well.

Tom Hoey


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