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How to choose a library book

I enjoy reading, but can never decide what book to read next. We have a great library below the community hall, but I always feel a bit overwhelmed at the huge number of choices available to me. Being a nerd from way back, I decided to let technology help me. I have created a spreadsheet on my phone and when I open it, I randomly get told what book to read. It tells me: The stack number (A – F) Front or back side (1 or 2) Shelf number (1-5) Book count from left (1) or right (2). I follow those instructions, and whichever book I come to, that is the one I borrow and read. I have found lots of books that I would never have chosen otherwise. I always start reading with the intention of keeping on to the end whatever it seems like in chapter one, and with a couple of exceptions they have been entertaining and enlightening. There have only been two books where I have given up early, both because you could foresee the ending by about page 20. Of course, you don’t have to have a spreadsheet to do this. Plan B would be to get your family/friends/workmates/random people in the supermarket to give you the numbers. Give it a go! If you are feeling nerdish like me, I can send you the spreadsheet.

Tony Bacon


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