From the President
Have your say on the future of the Waiatarua Community News
The newsletter you receive in your letterbox every month has always been intended to be an important service to the community, providing updates and valuable information. I remember when my wife and I moved into Waiatarua not even a year ago, we came across the newsletter in our letterbox and wondered what it was. Our first impression was – not another flyer from a real estate agent! It seemed that we were bombarded with them, but upon reading the newsletter, it provided us with an insight on the area we’ve moved into, what was going on around us, its history and its activities. So we started going to the indoor bowls evening at the community hall. The newsletter is the reason why my wife and I decided to join the Waiatarua Residents and Ratepayers Association and volunteer our time. There’s no doubting the importance of the newsletter. However, recent changes mean that we have to seriously rethink what format the newsletter takes moving forward.
Up until now we’ve relied on the kindness of local printing businesses to print our newsletter either for free, or at a greatly reduced price. Unfortunately, now we will have to pay market prices which makes delivering a monthly newsletter to every household in Waiatarua much more challenging. I know some of you may be wondering why we don’t just email everyone a pdf version so we don’t have to bother with printing anything. That’s a genuine point, but I believe there is definitely something a bit more special about holding paper in your hands and reading it physically. If I’m being honest, if the newsletter was an email I would probably have overlooked it among the sea of emails I receive. As we move for- ward we will need to make a decision about the future of our newsletter, whether we continue the printed version or the emailed version. So there are three ways you can help.
- If you know of anyone that can help with printing, please email me at
- If you know of anyone who would like to advertise in the newsletter, email Erin Kingsleigh-Smith on . Advertising can pay for our news-letter printing costs.
- If you have an opinion about whether the newsletter should continue in its current form or be changed to an email for- mat, feel free to text me on 021 354 831.
Are you a Bingo whiz?
We are looking at putting together a regular monthly Bingo night at the community hall. We will buy all the necessary equipment and supply the hall free of charge but we are looking for someone with knowledge of Bingo to help us put together a fun night for the community. If you are reading this and are able to help out one night a month and assist with organising a Bingo event, then either email me on or call me on 021 354 831.
Mark Wager WRRA President
Waiatarua Community News
850 copies
May 2023