18 February 2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Waiatarua Hall
911 West Coast Rd Waiatarua
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The date has been set for Tuesday 18th February 2025 at the Waiatarua Hall commencing at 7.00pm.
The activities of the Association during the past year will be reviewed and we value your input and suggestions as to what you would like the Committee to do in the coming year so come along and let us know.
Nominations for the Committee will be called – if you have a few hours a month and would like to become involved with the Association then please contact either our President, Mark Wager on email: or our Secretary, Lyn Chappell on email: for further information and a nomination form.
Watch this website, Facebook and Instagram for details of the guest speakers for the evening.
The WRRA is an Incorporated Society and, due to recent law changes, the Association has to renew its registration. To do this, our Constitution has been reviewed and altered to meet requirements. The revised document will be circulated via our website prior to the AGM for residents to review and comment.
A copy of the document can be emailed to you if required – email It will be necessary to ratify the changes at the AGM to enable the Association to complete the registration process. Copies of the Constitution will be available at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there!