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CPNZ Waiatarua – June News

Well, winter is well and truly here – along with dark nights and po-tentially dangerous road conditions. So just another timely remind-er to please take extra care, be patient and keep those speeds down when driving. 

Our team are still out on patrol several times a week – helping to keep our community safe. 

Also remember that all incidents of theft, damage or anti-social behaviour should be reported directly to the Police – no matter how big or small. This information helps the Police (and us) recog-nise patterns and trends in the area and assists with the effective allocation of resources. 

This month we would like to say a huge thank you to the team and members at F45 Training Glen Eden for their support of our patrol. These great folks ran a fundraising effort onsite over April to help keep us on the road and their contribution is much appreciated. 

We also now have our own Givealittle page – to make donating to our organisation a breeze. 

We Need You! 

We are always looking for new recruits. The more patrollers we have, the more we can get our patrol vehicle out there actively being a deterrent of crime. We cover the areas of Waiatarua, Ora-tia and Henderson Valley and have a mixture of ages and back-grounds, retired and working, couples and singles. 

Your commitment: 

Only 4 hours a month – one two hour patrol a fortnight. Daytime or evening, weekdays or weekends. 

Passing a Police Security Clearance check on joining 

Current Drivers Licence 

We provide: 

Uniform and training 

Patrol vehicle and safety equipment 

The fun of getting to know your local area and community. 

Patrolling not your thing? Perhaps you can help us in other ways… contact us to chat. 

Our Recent Activities 

18 patrols during April and May 

Reported incidents: In May patrollers assisted with required traf-fic control when a pile of illegally dumped dirt on West Coast Road became a traffic obstacle – managing the scene until Auckland Transport representatives arrived. 

Attended the Henderson Heroes Community Event in April. 

Enjoyed an amazing day with other Waitemata Patrol groups at a special training event organised by NZ Police. 

And we bid a sad farewell to a couple of long-term members while welcoming one new patroller to the group. 

Police Contacts to Remember 

111 – Emergency 

105 – non-emergency (incident already happened & don’t need urgent assistance). Or online 

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 – Report crime anonymously, or online 

*555 (from mobile phone) – urgent but not life-threatening driving incidents 

Stay safe
…and warm 

Sue Dell – Patrol Co-ordinator /Chairman


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