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Farewell and thank you to Tony Bacon

In recognition of his dedicated service to the community, Tony was presented with this stunning print, sunrise over Waiatarua (photographed and printed by Waiatarua locals Greg Lokes and Peter Casey respectively), from the WRRA Committee at the AGM on Tuesday 20 February. Hopefully it’s something he will love and will help him to remember his years living in beautiful Waiatarua.

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Car vs power pole causes outage

This was the scene in Forest Hill Road on the afternoon of Tuesday 5 September at about 4:30pm. The orange hi-vis is not the driver which is why he has been greyed out. The driver seems to have lost control on the slippery road. Although obviously shaken, they were not hurt, and it took until about 5am the following morning to restore the power.

Tony Bacon

Meet The Candidates Evening

On Thursday 21st September we held a very successful Meet The Candidates Evening at the Waiatarua Community Hall. We had over fifty people in attendance to hear the candidates, Deborah Russell (Labour), Paulo Garcia (National), Steve Abel (Greens) and Jake Curren representing ACT, answer a wide range of questions from the community. It was an excellent opportunity for people to get better informed and ensure that the candidates are fully aware of the issues facing our community. It was clear that despite the many differing views in the room and certain topics inviting a lot of passion (especially when addressing the environmental challenges we are all facing), it was good to see that at the end of the day we are, above all, neighbours. The evening concluded with informal chat, drinks and snacks.

The Waiatarua Tunnels

The distribution of our newsletter must be effective and widespread (congratulations Tony Bacon). Since my letter in the March newsletter about mystery tunnels found in Waiatarua I have been contacted, from Waihi where he now lives, by Peter Beveridge, son of Bill Beveridge. Bill was a park ranger between 1970 and 1990 who, in recognition of his extensive knowledge of all things relating to the Waitakere Ranges became colloquially known as “Mr Waitakere”.

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