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Environmental News

Mark Tommassen recently reached out to Envirotools, a family-owned, New Zealand business based in Petone, about helping us – and Henrik, from Envirotools has stepped up to the occasion to strike a deal with a 15% discount on all pest traps sold. Their story of creating traps by locals, for locals, resonated as a community-focused, effective pest control measure. I shared with Henrik how Waiataruans have a strong community spirit and that with the right tools, we can start a uniformed effort to protect our Totara, Rata and Pohutukawa trees to name a few and to ensure that lovely birdsong continues.

Check out Envirotools  

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Outlook bright for Waitākere Ranges Dark Sky project

Volunteers are now able to use equipment for light monitoring and help register a pre-application to Dark Sky International for the Waitākere Ranges to become an International Dark Sky Place, thanks to the support from Waitākere Ranges Local Board.

The board recently allocated $7,700 for the Waitākere Ranges Dark Sky Project, one of their key priorities in the Waitākere Ranges Lo-cal Board Plan 2023.

Waitākere Ranges Local Board chair Greg Presland is pleased to see the project take its first steps. “Our board is thrilled to help start the project. Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is a taonga, it is special, and it deserves and needs our continued protection and support,” he explains. “

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Deal to that ginger

Wild or kahili ginger is making its presence
 known around Waiatarua at the present 
time in the form of bright orange seedheads.
 Ginger does most harm because its rhi
zomes form plate-like infestations on the
forest floor which prevent native plants es
tablishing. As it is shallow rooted, it also contributes to land slipping in heavy rains as we have seen with Cyclone Gabrielle. On the other hand it is not the hardest pest plant to control. Seeds last for up to six years so ongoing attention to a site can result in its elimination. Seeds set most on plants on forest margins. In the darkness of the forest they don’t.

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