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Community Patrol

Waiatarua Community Patrol News

Tēnā koutou Waiatarua

Wow, I can’t believe the year is nearly over.

The community patrol has been attending plenty of events in the last month, community days, Halloween evenings, Cold Play concerts as well as regular patrols around the neighbourhood.

If you are going away for a holiday then remember to keep you home secure, have someone empty your mail, use timers on lights and have it look like someone is home.

Stay safe, and look out for your neighbours.

Be aware of our volunteers and give us a wave when you see us out on patrol ☺

Volunteer with us as a patroller (covering Waiatarua, Oratia, Henderson Valley and more). A flexible commitment of around four hours per month. Full training and uniform supplied. Police security clearance check and current drivers licence required. Volunteer with us in a support role. It takes a team to keep our wheels on the road.

Our biggest expense is petrol – donate directly to our fuel account at Oratia Mobil station on West Coast Road or donate to our Givealittle page – no amount is too small: org/waiatarua-community-patrol-charitable-trust

Contact Sue Dell, Patrol Leader (, 021 681 207) for more information, or check out our Facebook page

Remember – please phone Police to report any incidents in our neighbourhood including witnessing bad driving. This enables Police to identify trends in the area and does get included in their planning activities:

111 – Emergency

105 – Non emergency (incident already happened and urgent assistance not required), or online

555 – From mobile phone only – urgent but not life-threatening driving incidents

0800 555 111 – Crimestoppers – to report anonymously, or online crimestoppers- Barbara Lokes, WCP Treasurer

Busy helping other communities

Our local CPNZ group has been working hard to set up a community patrol in Glen Eden, and we are very pleased to announce that they are now up and running and out on regular patrols.

Recently some of our team attended the Henderson Valley Community Day to raise awareness of our organisation and hopefully recruit some new patrollers! It is always such a great event and the team enjoyed rolling out some fun games for the kids, and chatting with the community. There are many ways you can help us to be the eyes and ears for the Police in our com-munity, not necessary as a volunteer although we are always on a lookout for more patrollers:

Stay safe, and look out for your neighbours.

Be aware of our volunteers and give us a wave when you see us out on patrol.

Tell others about us and the work we do.

Volunteer with us as a patroller (covering Waiatarua, Oratia, Henderson Valley and more).

A flexible commitment of around four hours per month. Full training and uniform supplied.

Police security clearance check and current drivers licence required. Volunteer with us in a support role.

It takes a team to keep our wheels on the road. Our biggest expense is petrol – donate directly to our fuel account at Oratia Mobil station on West Coast Road.

Donate to our Givealittle page – no amount is too small: Contact Sue Dell, Patrol Leader (, 021 681 207) for more information, or check out our Facebook page

Remember – please phone Police to report any incidents in our neighbourhood including witnessing bad driving. This enables Police to identify trends in the area and does get included in their planning activities:

111 – Emergency

105 – Non emergency (incident already happened and urgent assis-tance not required), or online

555 – From mobile phone only – urgent but not life-threatening driving incidents

0800 555 111 – Crimestoppers – to report anonymously, or online

Renee Patterson Secretary,
Waiatarua Community Patrol

Waiatarua Community Patrol News

It is great to see the weather warming up…but that does mean more vehicles on our local roads and people visiting our walks and beaches. Often these are visitors who are not used to driving our semi-rural and bush conditions – so take it easy and stay aware when driving over the coming Spring and Summer months. If you are parking at one of the walk or beach carparks, make sure you secure your vehicle and remove all valuables. Don’t leave anything in view that might look ‘interesting’ and encourage a break-in.

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Criminal behaviour

Criminal behaviour has been a hot topic over the past months and sadly some of our local businesses have been directly affected with both the Oratia Dairy and Kenlock Motors (Mobil) being subjected to break ins. Our thoughts are with the business owners and staff, as this is a very unnerving and frustrating time for them.
As a result, our team have been conducting a number of night-time patrols in the past few months and have reported several instances of suspicious activities to Police. Our patrol has come across vehicles (and people) acting in a questionable manner, who have quickly de- parted on seeing our patrol car. This is immediately reported to Police Comms and all de- tails recorded. What we do can make a difference.

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