The latest for our roads
If you haven’t seen this already the West Auckland recovery update
If you haven’t seen this already the West Auckland recovery update
The WRRA has received an update from AT about the Elevation slip and other roads in our area. Read all about it here
Waiatarua roads will soon have reduced speed limits, as part of Auckland Transport’s plan to save lives and prevent serious injuries.
Our main roads such as Scenic Drive, Forest Hill Road and West Coast Road, will go to 60kph, with side streets becoming 40kph zones.
The narrow winding residential side streets, such as Raroa Terrace and Kauri Loop Road, often have blind corners, reduced width and no markings yet are currently 70kph or even ‘open road’.
Councillors Linda Cooper, Shane Henderson and Community Board members Ken Turner, Mark Allen and Sandra Coney met with members of the committee on Saturday 23rd August. This was a follow up to recent communications with AT and the above people regarding a number of roading and drainage issues in the Waiatarua area. Michelle Clayton, whilst not present on the 23rd, had taken the time to visit with us on the prior Saturday. It was disappointing that AT did not see fit to send any participants, even though they were copied into all communications regarding this meeting. We would like to thank everyone that took the time to meet with us.