Auckland Council Road update – Waiatarua and others
The WRRA has received the following information from AT, the image for Elevation slip is not a very high resolution – we have asked for a better one. Watch this Space
As a result of the three weather events in January February and May of 2023, Auckland Transport has advised Waka Kotahi NZ of 564 storm damage sites, which will need remediation across the Auckland region. In the Waitakere Ranges Local Board area 170 storm damage sites which need repair have been identified.
Currently closures remain in place:
- Kay Road, Mountain Road,
- 412 Scenic Drive
- 15 Paturoa Road
- 40-42 Ottitori Bay Road in Titirangi where two walls are already under construction.
Locations being managed by traffic lights include:
- 11 Takahe Road
- Scenic Drive between Huia and Woodland Park Road’s in Titirangi
- Elevation site near 459 Scenic Drive and at 73 Piha Road.
Weight restrictions are in place:
- Karekare Valley
- Caton Road
- the Scenic Drive elevation site
Resident only restrictions are in place:
- Caton Road
- Glenesk Road
- Rayner Road
- Karekare Valley.
Given the scale and complexity of the remedial work required, AT has engaged multiple supply partners who are working simultaneously on multiple sites to ensure work is completed as quickly as possible,
Site Specific Updates
Scenic Drive
Ventia has made significant progress with the ten road shoulder slips on Scenic Drive between Shaw Road and West Coast Road. Sites 1,2&3 are complete, work is underway on sites 4,5, &10 and sites 6,7, 8 &9 need further investigation.
459 Scenic Drive (Elevation)
The Options Report for the slip site at Elevation has been submitted with fan drains being selected as the most practical solution to stabilise this slip. There are property access arrangement’s to be made with adjacent property owners and these are currently being worked through to enable this work to get underway.
296 Forest Hill road: shoulder repairs and drainage work complete.
780 West Coast Rd Shoulder repairs and drainage work have been completed
410 Scenic Drive site 10
Drainage and shoulder slip repair works near completion.
288 Scenic Drive – Sites 1 to 3
Sites 1 to 3 was attended to first with crews carrying out pavement repairs including geogrid tiebacks. Drainage resilience improvements were also made at the same time.
288 Scenic Drive- Sites 4 & 5
A different approach was required for Site’s 4 & 5 due to the severity of the failure and the height of the road shoulder drop off. A gravity wall to support the road shoulder and prevent future slippage has been installed along the length of sites 4 & 5.
Scenic Drive North Swanson (120m West of Te Henga Drive)
The recently completed 30-metre-long shoulder slip repair, drainage resilience works are to follow.
204 Scenic Dr Intersection/Shaw Rd intersection
From the geotechnical assessment it has been confirmed that 3 boreholes are needed to further understand the characteristics of the slip. Boreholes are due to be completed in mid-August but are dependent on a Watercare site at the same location.
1160 Scenic Drive North Swanson
A solution similar to the Sceinic Dr Elevation solution is being investigated for the slip at 1160 Sceinic Drive North.