Advertising with us
If you wish to advertise in our newsletter the secifications and fees are listed below
Display Advertisment
Size 1: 62mm wide x 54mm high – $40 per issue for up to 4 insertions or $385 for the year (11 insertions, saves $5 per issue)
Size 2: 124mm wide x 54mm high – $80 per issue for up to 4 insertions or $825 for the year (11 insertions, saves $5 per issue)
Size 4: 124mm wide x 108mm high – $160 per issue for up to 4 insertions or $1,705 for the year (11 insertions, saves $5 per issue)
Other sizes can be booked by negotiation with the editor.
Advertisers provide their own artwork in high resolution either jpeg or png format.
The WRRA committee reserve the right to decline advertising material.