WRRA New Consitution – Draft
Due to recent law changes, the WRRA are required to update the Constitution to meet the requirements of these changes. A Draft Document has been completed and is now available HERE to enable Residents to review ahead of the AGM. The new Constitution has to be ratified at the AGM prior to the Association completing the necessary documentation to continue as an Incorporated Society. If you have any questions, please email secretary@waiatarua.org.nz
Please be advised, Residents are required to be current Financial Members of WRRA to vote at the AGM. Membership status can be checked with the secretary on the above email address.
The Agenda for the AGM is also available for Resident’s information. HERE Please arrive for the meeting from 6.15pm onwards; registration is required on arrival and renewal of membership can be completed at this time – $20.00 per household (cash only). The meeting will commence at 7.00pm sharp