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From the President

New Emergency Generator Purchased

Let’s start with some good news. We have been able to purchase a new generator for the Waiatarua Community Hall & Library. This means we are now able to provide water, sanitation, internet connection and shelter to put at the disposal of our local community in times of need. I want to thank our Vice President, Marq Holibar for his hard work in putting this all together and none of this would have been possible without a generous grant towards the cost from the Waitakere Ranges Local Board.

Ideas wanted

Moving forward the WRRA Committee will continue to be proactive in ensuring we get hold of any grants available. I’ve lived in Waiatarua for just over a year now and I know that is nothing compared to the many years that some other members of our community have lived here. However, during this short period of time, I’ve seen how easy it is for Waiatarua to be overlooked and resources diverted to other communities with higher profiles. This is something that I want to stop and to start making sure that our voice is heard. One way we can do this is to apply for potential funding for resources and activities which can add value to the lives of our community. For this to happen, we need your input.
We are currently looking at ideas, especially those that are resilient and environmentally friendly. If you have any then please feel free to contact me on or call me on 021 354 831.

Successful Classic Movie Night

A big thank you to everyone who attended our first Classic Movie Night last month. We all gathered together with handfuls of pop-corn, chips and drinks to see the movie “Charade” starring Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. We will definitely be looking at putting on more nights like this one, so keep checking the newsletter for further details.

Community Day—Saturday 28 October

On Saturday 28 October we are holding our second annual Community Day event from 10:00am – 1:00pm at the Waiatarua Community Hall. It’s going to be like last year’s, but only bigger with more stalls including baking, gifts, shoulder bags, wax candles, art, soft toys and even hot dogs. In addition there will be a Zumba demonstration and an opportunity to talk to people from local community support groups like the Waiatarua Fire Brigade, Eco Matters, Waiatarua Playcentre and library. All will be present in order to answer any questions you might have. It’s going to be a great day so if you are available, please come along.

Mark Wager, WRRA President


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