The Community Hall and Library Has Been Saved!
The Community Hall and Library Has Been Saved!
I’m incredibly pleased and proud to be able to share some good news with you. As you will be aware the future of the Waiatarua Community Hall and Library has been in jeopardy because of the proposed changes in the Auckland Council Budget Plan. With the current lease and maintenance charges, this proposal would have meant a 6000% increase in costs which would have made it impossible for the Hall and the Library to continue. Yet here’s the good news.
At a recent Local Board, “Have Your Say” event discussing the ap- plication of the amended Auckland Council budget, it was confirmed that the Waiatarua Community Hall and Library would remain untouched. This means, the home to many community events, local meetings, parties, church meetings and our wonderful little library is staying open. There are so many people to thank for this—too many for me to list, but I need to thank Marq Holibar who originally highlighted the dangers of the proposal and everyone who took time out to make their voice heard either through submissions in person or in writing or calling our councillors to let them know how much our hall means to us. I also need to thank the Local Board for their support and their willingness to listen to our concerns.
It’s easy to become disillusioned when you see policies announced either by the Council or Government but I believe that what this experience with the hall shows, is that a small group of organised and determined people can change Council policies. I know from my time working in the public sector, I saw this happen time and time again and I mention this because this is going to be much more important as time goes on. As money becomes less and our rates go up we need to make sure that Waiatarua doesn’t get over- looked. I don’t want to be in a position where I’m paying my rates for work to be done elsewhere, while we have serious issues in our community that gets ignored and I imagine I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Over the next year we need to be prepared to speak up and make sure that those who control the public purse strings are fully aware of what we need and don’t overlook our wonderful community.
On similar lines I want to remind everyone that we are hosting a “Meet The Candidates” evening on Thursday 21st September at the Waiatarua Community Hall starting at 7:00pm. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions as all the main parties will be represented.
I hope to see you there.