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Hello neighbours!

Council has signed off their budget. It’s time for the Local Board to do the same and it’s at this time that decisions that impact our community are made. The Waitakere Ranges Local Board have had their budget cut by 10% which will have a knock-on effect to what we can and can’t do in our area.

On Thursday 3rd August I will be speaking at the Local Board “Have Your Say” event promoting the needs of the Waiatarua area, especially the desire to keep open the Waiatarua Community Hall & Library. It’s starting at 5:30pm, I’m speaking around 6:00pm at the Glen Eden Library 12/32 Glendale road. Feel free to come along. If  you would like to speak, please contact to book in your session time, otherwise if there’s anything you want me to mention on your behalf let me know – Mark 021 354 831

What a wonderful Quiz Night!

Despite the terrible weather and the conflicting timing due to  the Super Rugby Final match, there was a wonderful turnout for the Quiz night. A big thank you to Ian Ford and Cathie Wells for hosting the event. I’m not sure by what I was more surprised, the extensive general knowledge of our residents or the enticing food that graced every table. A great night enjoyed by all. A couple of photos from the night are on page 6.

Meet the Candidates event confirmed

In advance of the General Election later this year, I’m pleased to announce that a Meet The Candidates evening will be held on Thursday 21st September starting at 7:00pm at the Waiatarua Community Hall & Library. All the major political parties will be represented and I will hosting the evening to ensure that all your questions are answered. You can either raise questions at the event or, if you prefer, you can email me beforehand  ( ) and I will ask the questions on your behalf. There will be nibbles and drinks available afterwards for people to mingle with the candidates (and each other).

Indoor Bowls every Thursday night at 7:00pm

If you want to have a little exercise and a lot of fun, come along and join us in playing indoor bowls every Thursday at 7:00pm at the Waiatarua Community Hall & Library. It’s $3 per person with all proceeds going to charity. Don’t worry if you are new to bowls, trust me, I’m not very good and it’s a very simple game to learn so come along and have some fun. You can see a pic of the bowling in action on page 6.

Is your pet the cutest in Waiatarua?

We know all pets are cute, but is your beloved furry family member the cutest in Waiatarua? We are launching a competition to find the cutest pets so send your photos through to me and let’s turn the spotlight on our furry friends. Prizes will be available.

Here’s the eligibility criteria:

You have to be the owner of the pet;

You have to live in Waiatarua;

Send only one photo per pet.

You must be happy for us to share your photo in the Waiatarua newsletter, Facebook page and website.

The competition closes on Wednesday 16th August 2023 so starting sending your photos to See our ad on page 3.

Classic Movie Night  – Saturday 26th August at 7.00pm

We are still in the process of making this work but the intention is to have a FREE movie night on Saturday 26th August showing the classic movie “Charade” starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. We start at 7:00pm, entry is free and snacks will be available for purchase. See our ad on page 6.

Mark Wager

WRRA President


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